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Egencia customer success story: Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc.


Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. sees big savings

2 min
Coca Cola Consolidated, Inc.
Number of employees


Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. saw growth in recent years, and needed a business travel program to support their employees. Download the case study, and read on to learn why Egencia was the perfect fit.


Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. began working with Egencia in October 2019. The largest Coca-Cola bottler in the United States sought a new business travel solution to modernize a legacy program, and to increase traveler engagement and manage travel spend. Egencia was the perfect travel management company (TMC) for the job, and ultimately guided them through implementation in just 12 weeks. The tight timeline was successful because Coca-Cola Consolidated utilized Egencia’s change management team, which went beyond the standard implementation process and provided personalized services including onsite change workshops, working with early adopters, and offering formal project management. In the end, the company had a more robust and reliable business travel solution, and was eager to see an increase in participation of their corporate travel program and start learning from insights about their program.

Coca-Cola Consolidated was thrilled with the implementation, and three years later, had a new challenge for Egencia to conquer. Coca-Cola Consolidated placed a renewed focus on traveler safety and security in recent years due to the changing world, size growth and volume of business.


The shifting landscape made way for Coca-Cola Consolidated to expand the usage of Egencia, its tools, reporting, further identify opportunities for cost savings and promote a new travel policy. Egencia Savings Finder, like-for-like room optimization and savings in booking fees were key to managing costs. The company saw substantial savings across air, hotel and car rental thanks to the breadth of content offered through Egencia.

Aside from cost savings, Coca-Cola Consolidated also has access to reports that tell the story of their business travel program through rich data and actionable insights. Travel managers can explore travel data usage, travel costs, opportunities for savings, and more, with just a few clicks.


The results speak for themselves. The company was thrilled with their cost savings, and what’s best, travelers at Coca-Cola Consolidated are heavy users of Egencia—they boast a 98% online adoption rate. Their travelers are comfortable with Egencia and empowered to book and manage their travel with self-service tools, including usage of Egencia’s mobile app. This means Coca-Cola Consolidated successfully accomplished what they set out to do: identify cost savings, and have employees book and manage their business travel with Egencia. There’s more to come as the company grows and evolves, and Egencia will be there every step of the way as their travel management company to make sure their business travel solution continues to exceed expectations, and the traveler experience remains positive.

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